Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Feeling Good!

Wow! It's been a couple of months since I've written here. Time sure does fly. It's summer -- even though it doesn't feel like it with all the rain and stuff. Well, it's been 7 months since I had my last dose of Tysabri and I am doing well. I get the usual fatigue, twitches, and sometimes aches that come with MS, but I feel pretty good.

Me and my husband are still trying for a baby. We are still hopeful that it's going to happen for us. I try to keep positive and focus on all of the good things I have going for me, rather then get caught up in a pity, party for myself.

Life has been very good to me. I work in a great place and have a lovely home to go to every day and there is Chica and Turkish (my chihuahua and orange cat). I have many joys.

My husband and I are very fortunate and we realize are blessings. I see sunshine and warmth ahead to clear the rain away. It's going to be a memorable summer.

God bless.

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